Welcome to Sparks & Tangents, a place where curiosity leads the way and serendipity thrives. This blog is a playground for ideas—where a stray thought can ignite a new perspective, and where deep dives into one topic often lead to surprising discoveries in another.

I created Sparks & Tangents to explore the joy of unexpected connections across a wide range of interests—technology, business, philosophy, open source, marketing, music, and whatever else captures my imagination. It’s not about sticking to a niche; it’s about following curiosity wherever it leads, embracing the sparks of insight that emerge along the way.

If you love thinking in tangents, making sense of chaos, and delighting in the unexpected, you’re in the right place. Let’s explore the in-between spaces where the most interesting ideas take shape.

M. Trifiro

February 4, 2025

Side note: I decided to start this journey by building a "link blog." My inspiriation was this post by Simon Wilson, and in many ways this first page on Sparks & Tangents is my link blog tribute to the author who inspired this work you are presently reading.

For further inspiration, check out: